In future, farmers will need to produce more food from fewer resources. They will also need to significantly reduce crops losses. But without the right information, farmers cannot easily introduce new, highly productive and sustainable ways of farming.
Sustainable production is central to CABI's work. We promote resource efficient farming and help farmers access the tools and training they need to lose less produce and grow more. We believe this approach leads to better livelihoods for farmers and safer, more sustainably grown produce.
In this video, CABI board member Professor Dame Anne Glover highlights how CABI is working to deliver on the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production as part of our mission to help more than 500 million smallholder farmers around the world grow more and lose less.
Professor Glover mentions CABI's Insects for Feed initiative that is working in three countries in Africa and addresses the challenges facing agriculture as a result of climate change where dryer conditions and hotter environments will necessitate the need to think about how to produce crops with 'less input.'
She ends by highlighting the need to capitalise on education and knowledge to help shape the future of responsible consumption and production - with the Nutrition Knowledge Bank being a key asset for the benefit of more than 3 million people in 12 different African countries.