(Credit: Paul Jeffrey/UMCOR)
Did you know...
- Women make up 51% of the agricultural labour force worldwide.
- A study of the household division of labour in Bangladeshi villages found that women worked almost 12 hours a day - compared with the eight to ten hours a day worked by men in the same villages.
- In many regions, women spend up to five hours a day collecting fuelwood and water and up to four hours preparing food.
- In Southeast Asia, women provide up to 90 percent of the labour for rice cultivation.
- In Africa, 90 percent of the work of gathering water and wood, for the household and for food preparation, is done by women.
- In Pakistan, 50 percent of rural women cultivate and harvest wheat.
- In the world's least developed countries, 23 percent of rural households are headed by women.
(source: FAO)
The idea of a World Rural Women's Day to be devoted each year to honour these
rural women, began at a UN Conference for Women in Beijing
Past themes have
included: “Rural Women: Leaders of Tomorrow " (2006);
(1) A message from the President of the IFAP Committee of Women Farmers
(2) the FAO's gender and food security information
(3) The CAB Abstracts database with over 7500 records on rural women