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October 28, 2009


Chicago Property Management

Thanks for this post. I used to eat red meat many times a week. Not only do I get tired easily and feel depressed, I also feel very heavy. I hate stairs, I don't like long walk and most especially I don't run. Somebody advised me to change my eating habit. It was not easy, but I did it anyways. I now eat white meat, more veggies and fruits and lots of drinking water. And then, there was a change, I'm happy, I'm smaller, I can go through the stairs, though I still prefer the elevator if there's any, I can run and I can do long walk. Most of all, I'm healthier. I'm doing this for my health and not for global warming. And if I am contributing to save the earth, then the more I should eat veggies.

Vera Barbosa

Thank you for reading my blog and for your comment. I also feel much healthier since becoming a vegetarian. I used to feel nauseous and sometimes was actually sick after eating red meat, which stopped since I became a vegetarian.

Phentermine 37.5

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