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August 26, 2008



Great ideas for saving our most precious resource.

Vera Barbosa

Thanks for reading and for the positive comment.


Joe the Dog Lover

This is great. We need to find ways to conserve water.

Dan@Best Washer and Dryer Reviews

Yeah, we need absolutely to find ways to conserve water! The rain for example should be used to do something in my opinion.

Gordon Parkin

I am writing an article on Grey and rain water harvesting ,you article is extremely simple to understand as the article is focused towards the layman.
Would you please allow me to use your article on grey water re-use.

Vera Barbosa

Hi Gordon,
Yes, you may use my article, of course, with the acknowledgement of authorship, or by quoting my name if you're just using sections of it in your article. My aim with this article was to make people, especially businesses, aware of how easy it is to conserve water by using greywater. Therefore, I'm happy for anyone to use and/or quote it.
All the best!

thermal energy

You cannot use it obviously on nighttime annd during days when it is raijning orr even on cloudy days. If environmental concerns are top of mind for you, try replacinjg your current hot water equipment with a solar hot water device. Owners of buildings that make use of radiant eat will benefit furtheer by using thhe solar heating tubes tto heat the structture itself.

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