Happy New Year and a big thank you to all those who subscribe or read our blog.
It was a good 2007 for the hand picked ... and carefully sorted with a full calendar year of blogging under our belt, turning 1 year old on 2nd November. We posted 167 articles on a variety of topics and had one of our posts, "Bluetongue virus:knocking at the door" by Robert Taylor, nominated for consideration towards the new edition of the Science Blogging Anthology, "Open Laboratory 2007".
Please read on for a monthly breakdown of all our posts.
- Dolly for dinner? - is your dinner going to be cloned.
- Obese people like chewing
- Dangerous rust puts strain on food security
- Reducing soil erosion in the real world
- Trees for flights - carbon offsetting
- Troubled times for tuna - overfishing of tuna stocks
- Successful seed storage - video CABI's Good Seed Initiative in Bangladeshi
- Maryland at risk of loosing millions of trees - emerald ash borer invasion
- Be(a)ware - salt and human health
- Creating the perfect catfish - DNA fingerprinting
- Why salt? - more on salt and human health
- Goodbye Barbaro - equine injuries & the launch of VetMed Resource
- Slick seabirds - oil spills and seabirds
- Whitefly and virus team tactics
- The hypertension controversy - salt and hypertension is there a link?
- I love you like meat loves salt
- Tortilla chips: how green fuel may be harming Mexico's poor - biofuels
- Measuring out their lives in coffee spoons - coffee production & wildlife
- UK hopeful Bird Flu has been contained
- Trans fats - the wrong targets?
- Can weeds be our friends - water hyacinth
- Seeds of doom - new seed bank in Sweden
- Penalty kicks: are they all in the mind? - sport psychology
- Water or biofuels? you choose - biofuel crops & water resources
- More good news for coffee drinkers!
- Conservation agriculture: the zero way - no till or zero till agriculture
- Do you have room for a rhino? - climate change
- Last stand for the orangutan
- Dolly: ten years after - cloning
- Thai rubber industry plans to bounce back from El Niño
- Is circumcision the answer to HIV?
- Rebuilding the Brazilian rainforest
- Frog fungus - frog species extinctions
- Drink coffee, feed the world? - describes what is fairtrade?
- Bluetongue in Northern Europe
- How safe is making drugs in GM plants?
- USDA support for GM rice with Human genes
- "Sustainable Aquaculture" - challenges for a growing industry
- Fancy a bottle of Swedish white? - climate change and wine
- Fat, me? - obesity
- Grassland invaders had inside help - invasive species and plant viruses
- A role for rice in causing and tackling climate change?
- Polarized thought - international polar year and Arctic warming
- My love is like a blue, blue rose - a true blue flower?
- The great global warming swindle - don't forget the science
- Atkins – the right strategy for the wrong reasons?
- Controlling the screwworm - Cochliomyia hominivorax
- Celebrating Linnaeus - 300th anniversary of the birth of Linnaeus
- Pet food safety - recall of cat & dog food in the N. America
- Cow + grass = house - a new way of making fiberboard
- World Water Day - includes a cartogram of global freshwater availability
- China’s functional food honey-trap
- Cataloging life - the launch of a new taxonomic checklist
- MUM’s not going to poison you - bottled water labeling
- A health dose of stress - organic vs. conventionally produced food
- Peat - sink or source - the carbon emissions ticking bomb
- Funky and unusual, it brings you lots of luck! - Cane toad news
- Orangutan Diary
- Origins of BSE?
- Cancer prevention for pets?
- Tourism threat to cradle of evolution - tourism pressure on the Galapagos Islands
- 1000 diseases mapped! - map 1000 of the Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases published
- Wine has many uses - wine extract to protect skin from UV radiation
- Hitching a flight - the spread of invasive species along transport networks
- Ticks: be aware, but don't panic
- Twinkle, twinkle, little star - EU Galileo positioning system
- Where have all the bees gone? - the decline of UK and US bee numbers
- Could it bee your mobile phone? - may mobile phones cause Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)?
- 1000 diseases mapped - a challenge is issued
- Blood transfusion - never entirely safe
- Pet foods for thought - a month on from the pet food recall yet any questions still to be answered
- Cowpox, cats, smallpox and history
- And how would you like your flowers Madam? - GM flowers
- It’s sweet, but is it safe? - aspartame and food science
- Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb...
- The state of Britain’s moth species
- Patents, pigs and pastoralists
- Cod this mean the end for Gadus morhua? - cod and the common fisheries policy
- Melamine: important information being ignored? - more information on the pet food recall
- Insect protein: an alternative to fish meal?
- Will new parasite hinder UK otter recovery? - a gall bladder fluke Pseudamphistomum truncatum
- Disturbing soil has disturbing effects on forest carbon - a new CAB reviews paper see abstract
- Taking the sting out of nettles - nettles have many uses as highlighted by "be nice to nettle week"
- The art of...boiling broccoli
- Virus threatens Scotland's red squirrels - the squirrelpox virus
- Hunting both animals and plants
- International day for Biological Diversity
- Climate change clock ticking for wild relatives
- Melamine contamination is spreading to meat and fish supplies - pet food contamination continues
- Not all doom and gloom (but not far off)... - tree planting and mass deforestation
- Glycerol, a byproduct of the biodiesel industry, in livestock feeds
- Grasping the great ape situation
- What a load of rubbish! - packaging, recycling and rubbish
- Do cows sneeeze in June?
- Melting Ice - a hot topic? - world environment day and international polar year
- Soil, a potential large scale carbon store
- Have you ever milked a hemp?
- B-list celebrity in shock relationship scandal - Europe calling for fortification of flour with folic acid
- World Ocean Day and Chinese water news round-up
- CABI fungi examined for medical marvels
- Obesity- now blame the microwave or lack of sleep
- Clouds in my decaf - is GM coffee coming soon?
- Plants uproot and head North - plant distributions moving North to find colder climates
- Report warns of MRSA in farm animals
- Changes in the veterinary profession
- Hug fat trees - ancient tree survey underway in UK
- Don’t you know there’s a war on? - aspartame and food sweetening
- What are my chances of catching an interesting parasite? - food parasites
- Organic tomatoes - better for your heart?
- Take one funny film twice daily - melatonin levels
- Bamboo socks and bicycles
- No go for the GM Danio - GM zebrafish banned from New Zealand
- Two pints of lager and a tin of sardines - fortified alcoholic drinks
- Why should we? - India and China won't
- Consultation on proposed EU Soil Framework Directive
- Foot and mouth: back again?
- A parasite that affects the mind - Toxoplasma gondii
- Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells: TB complacency is not acceptable
- Biosecurity: who will guard the guardians?
- What do you know about biodiversity?
- Highlighting the use of evidence
- The joys of biological containment
- Pass the chocolate? - junk food diets and pregnancy
- Water cleaning eggs! - eggshell to absorb lead in industrial waste water
- So long, and thanks for all the fish - Dolphin sightings in the Bay of Biscay down by 80%
- Bloggers for peer reviewed research: the contest
- Food colourings studies - handle with care!
- Vote for the winner of the “peer-reviewed research reporting” icon contest
- From NASA to the takeaway – does HACCP overburden small businesses?
- Bluetongue virus: knocking at the door
- The final Steve Irwin croc paper
- Bruno, Bruce and the Penan
- Can Bt Maize beat down mycotoxins?
- BSE: Twenty years old
- The Blandford Fly is not confined to Blandford (and other interesting facts about blackflies)
- World tourism leaders tackle climate change
- Sympathy for the devil - facial tumors threaten the survival of the Tasmanian Devil
- Pine beetles continue marching east
- Not mush-room for fungi in school
- Carbon offsets - whats the deal? - report from the UNWTO Conference, Davos
- Gardening in microgravity
- Finding that needle: searching tips
- (Not-so-)Happy World Food Day!
- Blogging from BCPC/IPPC 2007 - call for agrochem education
- Needle cast diseases on Christmas trees
- Get set for a busy birdfeeder!
- Don't waste your energy! - energy efficiency of your home to combat climate change
- How we keep women workers in poverty
- Goliath and Titan – running out of leg room - fossil evidence gigantic insects
- Katrina, flu and bioterrorism
- Poverty and Human Development, Global theme issue, supported by Tropical Diseases Bulletin
- Do you blog about peer reviewed research?
- Maps - finding our place in the World - highlighting the Chicago festival of maps online displays
- Pass the Tamiflu!
- Happy holidays! ‘Tis the season to be hypertensive
- The superfood of the future – Chenopodium quinoa
- Bioethanol production arrives in the UK
- Forests and climate change: a convenient truth? - FC conference report from London, UK
- TOPPS - best pesticide practice, better water protection
- Chikungunya conquers the Swiss Alps - mosquito (Aedes albopictus) spotted heading North
- Second (Life) Nature - climate change lecture series
- Trade, biotechnology, biofuels, ethics: some issues that the sugar industry is thinking about
- GREENhouse appeal
- Wash your hands…not your turkey!
- Could blue be next year's green?
- Kiss - don't shake hands? - disease transmission
- Rudolf the parasitized Reindeer