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September 26, 2007


Jackie Mugah

Perhaps one of our biggest concerns to date is the trained lack of consideration for the effects of any human activity on the environment. Development is a positive phenomenon, but it has to be done with caution. Separate efforts to promote environmental sustainability as a direct result of adverse effects of development would ensure that resultant environmental effects get as much attention as (if not more than) development efforts.
An analogy may be seen in the relationship between scientists who research a particular drug, and doctors who use the drug for treatment.
Scientists' discovery of the side effects of the said drug is important to doctors who use this knowledge to navigate the course of a particular patient's treatment. These parties, just like environmentalist and developmental efforts constitute 2 sides of the same coin, and help sustain the balance that is to be for BOTH dependent fields to thrive.
Also, we mustn't forget MDG number 7. We do need to promote environmental sustainability for various reasons, including for the preservation of biodiversity and water catchment areas.

Jackie Mugah

Perhaps one of our biggest concerns to date is the trained lack of consideration for the effects of any human activity on the environment. Development is a positive phenomenon, but it has to be done with caution. Separate efforts to promote environmental sustainability as a direct result of adverse effects of development would ensure that resultant environmental effects get as much attention as (if not more than) development efforts.
An analogy may be seen in the relationship between scientists who research a particular drug, and doctors who use the drug for treatment.
Scientists' discovery of the side effects of the said drug is important to doctors who use this knowledge to navigate the course of a particular patient's treatment. These parties, just like environmentalist and developmental efforts constitute 2 sides of the same coin, and help sustain the balance that is to be for BOTH dependent fields to thrive.
Also, we mustn't forget MDG number 7. We do need to promote environmental sustainability for various reasons, including for the preservation of biodiversity and water catchment areas.

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