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March 21, 2007



The recall has inspired some pet owners to try their hand at creating their own pet food. Dr. Kidd of PetStyle.com recommends home cooking and providing your pet human-grade food. If you chose this route, the basic formula is one third meat, one third grain and one third vegetable to create a healthy balanced diet for your pet. These is more great tips on www.petstyle.com


To read about the uneasy relationship between pet food, PETA and wheat gluten, see >>


Mr. H

It is tragic for those who try so hard and put their trust in others. Many people are really seeing the value of natural diets for themselves, it only makes sense that it's best for animals as well.

Jolie Makes Homemade Dog Food

"Many people are really seeing the value of natural diets for themselves, it only makes sense that it's best for animals as well."

i agree. It's always better for us to know what we are eating. Although making our own food doesn't always guarantee that, at least we are sure we will never poison ourselves or our pets. There are many homemade dog food recipes and cat food recipes in the Internet. All we need to do is search for it and have the patience to make it.


James(Nutro Dog Food)

For many pet owners a well-balanced nutritional diet for the pet is as important as a balance nutritional diet for their families. Using only holistic ingredients in their products, Nutro dog food offers the protein needed for a dog while staying away from additives and artificial ingredients that have no positive effect on the animal’s health.

food poisoning

Food Poisoning Lawyer from NJ : Eric H Wienberg


Wish I had the time to make my own dog food. With all the recalls I am so afraid of what she might be getting otherwise.

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